Long Family

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Kids grow up so fast

WOW. Time Flies. The kids are growing so quickly. Arianna is now over 3yrs and Carl 2. The kids still love to play together and really help each other out but they also know how to antagonize each other from time to time. Ha Ha. Carl is an absolute ball of energy (just like his dad) run run run run crash run. Amazing. and always the smiling happy play kid. Arianna is brilliant. Developmentally so far ahead of an average 3yr old; and yet both artistic and social too. She enjoys accompanying me to a brewpub lunch and asking for the brewer.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Arianna, Matt, Grace, and Carl

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

More About Us

The family that crawls on the floor together, stays together... or something like that. This is just another visit to Grandma and Grandpa Long's house. Grandpa looooovvvveeeesssss to take lots and lots of pictures!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Long Family Portrait

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The whole crew

We are the Long family of Paradise Pennsylvania. Let us introduce ourselves.

First there is Matt Long.
I am 29 years old. Proud husband and father of two beautiful children. After a stint as a missionary kid I grew up in Lancaster PA until moving off to college, outside of Philadelphia where I met my, now, wife. After graduation we came home to my roots in Lancaster. Aside from running a Financial Education Company ( my hobbies include film, business and my passionate hobby is advocating craft beer. Meet me at or check out the mission statement of the founders of
Craft beer should be respected for it's artisan merits and not abused as too many do. That's my passion.

Next is Grace Long.
I'm the Mama Bear of this crew. I'm a certified elementary teacher still looking for the best place for me to settle in for the long term. I enjoy music and dance and spending time with the children.

Now the little ones:

Arianna - 29 months

A firecracker full of energy and spirit. A wreak-less daredevil and barrel of laughs and smiles she always entertains and bring great joy to those around her. Communicating far beyond her years she is both athletic and intelligent.

Carl - 15 months

The most charming handsome smile you ever did see, he will befriend anyone in heartbeat. He started more cautious and thoughtful, but his sisters influence is rubbing off on him now too. Spreading hugs and winks and every manner of flirtation, this charmer is bound to get noticed.

These two love each other and their mommy and daddy. Arianna loves hugging and kissing her little brother and Carl finds this the most amusing game falling down and laughing historically which only initiates more tickling from the big sis. Our children are adorable aren't they?